This project teaches you below listed things
A short visual difference between Infra virtualization technology and docker
How to Install / Remove docker on a aws instance
How to check the status of docker service running on AWS instance
How to run docker commands without using sudo
How to pull docker mysql image from Docker Hub
How to create mysql server using docker container using mysql image
How to check the running docker containers
How to delete the docker containers after use
To install docker
sudo apt install
To remove docker along with its temp file
sudo apt purge
To check the docker running status
systemctl status docker
To check the docker container running
sudo docker ps
docker ps
If you get the above error you need to get add the ubuntu user in docker group.
To check the groups
sudo cat /etc/group
Add the ubuntu user to the group 'docker'
sudo adduser ubuntu docker
Sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
To pull the docker image from docker hub (it’s a repository)
Docker pull mysql:latest
To check the docker images
docker images
To run the mysql image
docker run mysql:latest
You will be getting prompt to specify mysql password as an environment variable.
Set it using below command.
docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Test@123 mysql:latest
docker run -d -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Test@123 mysql:latest
(run mysql container in background using '-d' parameter)
running the command docker run -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=Test@123 mysql:latest
will make your sql database server ready for connections
To check the sql server running with docker image, run the command
docker ps
To kill the docker running container
docker kill container_id